by csztroin csztroin

Volume 1:  Verifying the Quality of Surface Preparation is the first eBook in the Three Volume eBook series Inspection Instruments for the Pipeline Coatings Industry 

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This self-study course is in eBook format.  After reading this eBook, participants should be able to successfully:

Abrasive Cleanliness

  1. Recognize that abrasive cleanliness is an indirect requirement of the SSPC surface cleanliness standards for abrasive blast cleaning.
  2. Recognize that abrasive cleanliness testing applies to both new and in-process recycled abrasive.
  3. Describe the procedure for determining whether the abrasive is contaminated with oil.
  4. Describe the procedure for determining whether the abrasive contains water soluble contaminants.
  5. Identify the maximum allowable level of water soluble contaminants, according to the SSPC Abrasive Standards.
  6. Describe the procedure for verifying the accuracy of the conductivity meter used to determine the level of water soluble contaminants in abrasives.


Surface Profile

  1. Define surface profile.
  2. Explain the proper use of a depth micrometer.
  3. Describe the minimum number of readings required by ASTM D4417 to characterize the surface profile in an area when using a depth micrometer.
  4. Identify the prescribed method of measuring the surface profile generated by impact-type power tools.
  5. Explain the proper use of a replica tape.
  6. Describe the minimum number of readings required by ASTM D4417 to characterize the surface profile in an area when using replica tape.
  7. Identify the size of an “area” according to SSPC-PA 17
  8. Identify the minimum no. of areas required to characterize the surface profile depth, per work shift.
  9. Describe the procedure for properly characterizing the surface profile depth using replica tape when readings fall between 1.5 and 2.5 mils.
  10. Explain the potential effect of peak count on coating properties.


Surface Cleanliness

  1. Explain the purpose of the SSPC Visual Guides.
  2. Explain the use of the SSPC VIS 1 Guide.
  3. Explain the use of the SSPC VIS 3 Guide.
  4. Describe when the ISO 8501-01 Pictorial Guide would be used in lieu of the SSPC Visual Guides.
  5. Explain the use of the ISO 8501-1 Pictorial Guide.
  6. List the methods commonly used to remove surface dust.
  7. Describe the importance of using clean, dry compressed air for surface dust removal.
  8. Describe the ISO procedure for establishing a dust quantity rating.
  9. Explain the consequences of coating over soluble salt contamination.
  10. Describe the differences between ion-specific and non-ion specific testing
  11. Calculate surface concentrations of soluble salt contamination levels
  12. Recognize that the acceptable level of surface soluble salt contamination must be specified in the contract documents, and there are no industry-wide acceptance criteria.
